23 September 2020
The first open letter that we sent to the government at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the implementation of several concrete action points.
Following the evolution of the pandemic and the deconfinement, we have decided to send another open letter to the government to draw its attention to a number of issues that have arisen again or that remain difficult to manage for the vulnerable population that we represent.
ALAN – Maladies Rares Luxembourg
Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner
Supported by:
Häerzkrank Kanner zu Lëtzebuerg
Association Luxembourgeoise de Lutte contre la Mucoviscidose
Wäertvollt Liewen asbl
En Häerz fir kriibskrank Kanner
Association Européenne contre les Leucodystrophies
Den-i asbl, syndrome de Marfan